Thursday, 3 April 2014

Reflections From Term 1

Reflections about first term…

This term has certainly gone fast, a sentiment expressed by both staff and students. The LC teachers were impressed with the smooth beginning and continue to be delighted with the enthusiasm for learning in our LC.

We would like to take this opportunity to thank all the parents for their support on excursions, helping with reading, assisting with Friday markets and involvement in sports days in this first term. We also appreciated the parents who gave up their time to be guest speakers about innovation. The students really enjoyed learning about your experiences of being innovators in your own lives.  As well, we have appreciated the positive feedback many parents have given via emails.

Some key reminders for term 2

§  School term starts : Tuesday 22nd April

§  Cyber Safety, Tuesday 22nd, 5.30pm in the hall, Bookings online –B.E.P.S website

§  Inter-School Sport begins week 5

§  Numeracy presentation, yr 4-6, 11.30am Mon19th May, Bookings online- B.E.P.S website

Some term reflections from some of our students…..


Annabelle, Amelia
Both girls are enjoying Maths. They have liked the challenge of learning new topics. Annabelle, is also loving being able to learn Italian as well. this year.
Jude C, Abe
Both of the boys are in the planning stage for their Student Led Sport Workshop. They said they have taken on the feedback given to them last year and want to improve the quality of their workshop this year. They are both keen sport players so enjoy doing sport in the specialist program and are looking forward to Inter-school sport next term.

Makayla, Mehek, Tahli, Ani
Tahli has enjoyed doing Art this term and likes having choice in what they do. All the students have liked our Maths Investigation sessions and testing games to explore the concept of probability. Ani has liked the variety of topics he is learning in Maths.

Both girls have really enjoyed this term. They are enjoying doing Maths Menu tasks and like the challenge of solving them. Freya has liked exploring different writing genres in English Workshops.

Ish, Luke
Luke and Ish are enjoying the challenge of learning new things. Ish particularly liked learning about D.N.A with Jane Crowley, who was one of our parent speakers on innovation. Luke feels he has learnt a lot in Maths this term. He is enjoying the challenge of solving the problems.
Luci, Frances, Heidi, Rosie R
The girls loved our excursion to the Art Gallery, Federation Square and Hosier Lane. Luci enjoyed being able to see visual examples of innovation because she thinks usually people link innovation more to scientific inventions. They all liked seeing the artwork in Hosier Lane and found it inspirational. The artwork produced with icing was also a highlight for them.

Ruby, Jessica, Ayella, Isobel, Rose
The girls were proud of their student led workshop about Malala. They were inspired by her actions to promote education for girls in Pakistan.

Jaida, Heer
Both girls have really enjoyed being in year 4. They were worried it would be scary but now they think the learning is fun and they have enjoyed learning new things in term 1.

Imogen, Evie G, Lilyan
The girls are enjoying the challenge of the Maths Menu tasks this year. Sometimes they work collaboratively on tasks but often they solve their problems independently. They also like having to be more responsible for their learning choices and having a say in which Maths Menu tasks they solve.

Samuel, Jack M, Jackson
The boys have all really enjoyed Writers Workshop this term. Jack thinks he has written his best story ever. Samuel and Jackson have learnt how to put more descriptive features into their writing. The three boys are all thinking more about the characters in their stories.

Emily, Ella, Evie, Eliza
The girls enjoyed the opportunity to go to Brunswick Secondary college to find out what High School is like.  Emily and Evie particularly liked following a map to get around the school. Eliza and Ella have enjoyed being part of the Debating group and while they are not actually competing themselves they feel they have learnt lots from the experience.
Have a great holiday everyone!

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