Sunday, 2 August 2015

Term 3, 2015 - Up and Running

Well, Term 3 is up and running! We have some information for you:
Puberty Education Sessions
Puberty Education sessions (run by Family Life) begin this week, August 6th, for students in years five and six. These sessions will take place each Thursday for one hour for a total of three weeks.

As well, on Thursday evening, August 6th, there will be sessions run by a Family Life facilitator to support dialogue between students and their parents/carers about puberty. Parents/carers accompany their children to these sessions.

The first session at 5:45pm – 6:45pm is for parents/carers and students in years three and four. Following this session will be a session for parents/carers and students in year five and six at 7pm – 8pm.

Sessions will be held upstairs in the Su Nei Cieli (4/5/6) Learning Community.

Students who signed up sat the Australian Maths Competition last Thursday! We were very pleased with the number of students keen to give it a go, and they gave it their best shot. Results will take a little while to process, and we will present result certificates when they arrive.

Humanities Inquiry
Students are busy refining their information in preparation for their group’s documentary. Each  inquiry group has used a BTN (Behind the News) documentary, to facilitate a discussion about the way information is presented in a documentary format and how links are made between topics.  We will share our LC final documentaries when they completed.

Heads Up! Calling all Scientists!
Our next focus is a science one. In the last part of this term, students will be exposed to simple experiments, making hypotheses and recording the results. As well we are planning to expose the students to a variety of science knowledge and this is where you may be able to help. If you work in a science field, our teaching team is hoping you would be prepared to give up an hour or so to share your knowledge with a group of students. We are pleased to announce that Janet, who has a long history of teaching science at secondary school, is our first volunteer.

When: We would like to offer a variety of workshops for our students to elect to participate in, during week seven and eight of this term.

Please email us if you can help out. We will endeavor to work around the times and day of the week that best works for you. Please note that on Mondays, students are at Curiosita for most of the day, and Friday morning is sport.

First week back, in term four, students will participate in a science incursion with ‘Hands on Science.’ Students have chosen between Forensic Science and Reactive Chemistry and by far we have lots of curiosity about forensic science. Notices will come home about this at the end of term three. We will end the year with some Science challenge projects,

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