What a great idea!
the last few weeks we have been inquiring into innovation and if community and
innovators are dependent upon one another. The students have had some
insightful discussions about the concept of innovation, innovators and the
concept of the 'Butterfly Effect'. Here are some quotes that demonstrate the
high level of thinking the SNC students’ have!
The Butterfly Effect
something little becomes something big” ~Luci
think it’s related to Chaos Theory” ~Tom
think it’s like a chain reaction” ~Genevieve
don’t give up, they are resilient” ~Nova
by the community to do something for the community” ~Karla
have an idea and a goal, they try to create change but in different ways”
is connected and some how becomes a new thing”
“people join to make an ideal become real” ~Julian
the Butterfly Effect, where things start off small and get bigger and bigger”
you begin something and then others join” ~Rueben
students in Sui Ne Cieli have also had the opportunity to start experimenting
with their own ‘innovations’ and engaging in the design cycle during our
paperclip challenge! Here are some humorous advertisements some of our students
made up about their innovations, and some photos of the students engaging in
the innovation cycle!
look forward to seeing how the students progress as we delve deeper into the
concept of innovation and they venture through the design process, working
towards an innovation of their own!
you, or anyone you know, have had a great idea or innovation, please feel free
to share this with us in our Learning Community, we would love to hear from