Friday, 30 March 2012

End of Term Roundup

Well here we are, nearly Easter and the Year's one third gone! It's been a great Term1, getting really hectic at the end with those big community events - the Ride 2 School Day, the Fun Run and the Crazy Hair Day. This last began with and was fully organised by a team of Year 5 girls. They discussed the idea, got parent approval, negotiated with Robyn and all the teachers, organised permission letters and take-home forms, put notices in the school newsletter, made and posted ads, organised on the day, collected and counted money. Over $300 was raised for the Leukemia Foundation by this impromptu student action team. Sensational stuff!

Another big event - in the student mind if not on the timetable - has been the appearance of Rob Deakin, the lego man. Rob has run the first of several sessions using simple lego blocks to create aspects of ancient worlds, and in Second Term we'll be seeing a lot more of him in Su Nei Cieli, hopefully with weekly workshops building to our end of Term Exhibition night.

The date and times for that will be coming home a little later. Also on the horizon early in Term 2 are two excursions, one to Ancient Rome at Docklands, and the other to Mesopotamia (at the Museum). Stay tuned for more precise detail when school resumes.

Student borrowing in the Library has resumed, after the installation of a new Library Management System. Many of the 456 students borrowed in the last week of Term and we'd expect that to ramp up quite a bit next month.

Finally, take a look at this linked web of sites about doing mathematics.  We though it was pretty inspirational, especially the bit about the habits of a mathematician. Well actually, all of it, not just the habits page. Check it all out for yourself.

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