Tuesday, 24 January 2012

Happy New Year for 2012!

2012 Already!

Oh My Gosh!
So it's a big welcome to everyone, especially those families new to our 456 Learning Community (which in Italian is "Su Nei Cieli", meaning Up in the Clouds, since we're located at the top of the stairs).

For the kids and families with us last year, there's not a lot that's changed other than the new faces of course! Our team is shown in the photo, planning during January. Steve and Rebecca (new teachers) are in the middle, John (JD) on the left (old teacher, really old) and Julie the team leader on the right.

We'll still be operating with four Home Groups within the Learning Community, a mix of teacher-directed and student-initiated activities, Independent Work Time, personalised timetables, toolbox lessons and workshops. Kids from last year will understand all this and can interpret the jargon for their parents.

New students and families will be filled in gradually in future editions of this on-line newsletter, and at our 456 Info Night and the 3 Way Conferences early in the Term.

We're certainly pumped and excited about the new year and can't wait for the kids to arrive on February 6.

Happy New Year and let's get going!

-JD, January 25